A4D’s Summer Party Is Next Week! Will You Be There?
Next week, Tuesday, July 27, from 5:00-7:00pm we’ll be gathering outdoors in person at the home of Paulette Wittwer, 2316 NE Tillamook, for drinks, light fare, conversation, and much good cheer, along with special guests Oregon Representative Lisa Reynolds and Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum who are planning to be there. We’d love to see you, too! Will you be joining us? Please fill out this brief RSVP to let us know how many guests to expect. Thank you!
Nearby parking will be available in the lot adjacent to Bridgetown Church at 2120 NE Tillamook Street. There won’t be signs for the church so be sure to look for the address and park in the Tillamook Street lot (not on 20th Avenue). We trust that by now most of us will be vaccinated, but if you are not vaccinated, please bring a mask to wear at the party.
Indivisible Tuesday Tomorrow
Tomorrow, July 20, is Indivisible Tuesday and your opportunity to speak with Senator Merkley’s staff about the legislation we need, including the For the People Act and John Lewis Voting Right Act. Register here for the 11:30am Zoom meeting.
Call to Save Democracy
President Biden and Congressional Democrats delivered life-saving vaccines, a stable economy, and money in bank accounts to help our children. They are, also, on the precipice of delivering the American Jobs and Families Plan, which will invest in America and her people. These amazing achievements are only possible because of our vote and commitment. Let’s make sure our voices continue to be heard by calling elected officials. Check the Indivisible Oregon website each Tuesday morning for daily call scripts.
Write Postcards to Florida
The Florida Vote-By-Mail program makes it possible for voters to receive ballots automatically by mail, which is why it is such an important foundation for winning elections. Currently, A4D postcard writers are sending postcards to residents in Florida’s Broward County. If you’d like to join their effort, please get in touch with Susan Nunnery at spnunnery@gmail.com and let her know how many sets of ten postcards you’d like to write. She’ll respond via email with addresses and a suggested script.
Medicare for All Rally this Saturday!
